A Tennesseean, a Buckeye, and 4 Hoosiers walk into a bar… (Stop me if you’ve heard this one before…)
The Ages of Rock crew are joined by three faithful listeners to join in on the insanity, and insanity certainly ensues. We’ve got Album Acquisitions, news about the KISS Kruise, PLUS-each participant brings their favorite song from each KISS album with newly released recordings. Some total KISS geekdom happens, some surprises, and a lot of fun!
Can 6 KISS fans agree on the best song from a record? Can 2 Bills figure out whose turn it is? Are there any more New England albums remaining out in the wild? Will Allen’s next project involve a symphony? And who the hell is Dennis Cathey, anyway?
Grab your KISS records, crack a beverage of choice (even if it’s blue Kool-Aid,) and join in on the fun!
iTunes/Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-217-you-wanted-the-best-you-got-the-best/id1053552684?i=1000477518354
Libsyn: https://agesofrock.libsyn.com/episode-217-you-wanted-the-best-you-got-the-best