Episode 189 – Gary Corbett

Photo courtesy of GaryCorbettMusic.net

Gary Corbett joins us this week to discuss his new website, YouTube discoveries as well as some very rare stories about playing with KISS in the 90’s. Album Acquisitions and a lively discussion about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Nominees start the show!

Visit Gary’s Website: https://garycorbettmusic.net/

iTunes/Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-189-gary-corbett/id1053552684?i=1000453820083

Libsyn: http://agesofrock.libsyn.com/episode-189-gary-corbett

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWTKEHfI62w

Episode 188 – Sunday Morning Shenanigans

We were supposed to be interviewing a European band that’s currently touring in the US but someone in their PR firm dropped the ball or flaked on us so this week, we’re just talking about recent music news as well as upcoming events. Dennis and Bill also discuss their Album Acquisitions.

iTunes/Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-188-sunday-morning-shenanigans/id1053552684?i=1000452975270

Libsyn: http://agesofrock.libsyn.com/episode-188-sunday-morning-shenanigans

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koAP0jauwNU

Episode 187 – The Cold Stares

Photo taken from The Cold Stares Facebook page.

This week we talk with Chris Tapp and Brian Mullins of The Cold Stares. They talk about their previously released albums, upcoming music, and a surprise endorsement they got on Twitter.

Visit their website: https://www.thecoldstares.com/

iTunes/Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-187-the-cold-stares/id1053552684?i=1000452118577

Libsyn: http://agesofrock.libsyn.com/episode-187-the-cold-stares

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLgio_fPkqU

Episode 186 – Strip Club Songs with Aaron Camaro

Aaron Camaro

Aaron Camaro from Decibel Geek Podcast takes us on a ride down memory lane. This episode focuses on Songs from a Strip Club. Big thanks to our friends on Facebook for giving us some great tunes to discuss… Hang on, it’s all about Girls, Girls, Girls!!

Libsyn: http://agesofrock.libsyn.com/episode-186-strip-club-songs-with-aaron-camaro

iTunes/Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-186-strip-club-songs-with-aaron-camaro/id1053552684?i=1000451283655

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HswvKuhCHmg

Episode 185 – Lipstick Generation’s Greg Troyan

Greg Troyan

This week we talk with Greg Troyan of Lipstick Generation about their cover of (and the video for) “Eyes of Love” by Eric Carr. We also talk a little about the recent passing of Eddie Money and Ric Ocasek. We also unveil the new name for Dennis and Bill’s vinyl collecting activities.

iTunes/Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-185-lipstick-generations-greg-troyan/id1053552684?i=1000450314367

Libsyn: http://agesofrock.libsyn.com/episode-185-lipstick-generations-greg-troyan

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmfRW9JBLq0